Forever New evolved from a Melbourne start-up in 2006 to a global fashion retailer by 2013. Today, as a large company, we are passionate about supporting communities in developing nations.


Forever New is dedicated to ensuring all of its suppliers adhere to high standards of ethical trading. We embrace our corporate social responsibility and are on a journey of continuous self-improvement to deliver on this.


Our vision is to develop environmentally sustainable practices across our business. We encourage our teams to take positive and responsible steps towards preserving and respecting our planet. Our journey towards this vision is a continuous process.

Supply chain - OUR APPROACH

Forever New is committed to the principles of responsible sourcing and respect for the environment in the manufacturing of our products.

Forever New’s ethical sourcing values are defined in the Forever New Supplier Code of Conduct detailed below. The Forever New Supplier Code of Conduct is based on the Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI) Base Code, International Labour Organisation (ILO) conventions and the United Nations Declaration on Human Rights.


Discrimination in any form, including on the basis of gender, is not tolerated.

Forever New is committed to addressing any gender inequality in our supply chain. Our compliance programme monitors gender profile across permanent, temporary and migrant workers and provides special assessment of home workers [if applicable].

Forever New prohibits the use of child, forced or bonded labour. View our policies here:

We are committed to collaborating with our industry peers to collectively identify and resolve systemic issues.